A lot going on
May 26, 2009
It's been a busy couple of weeks. We still are moving some things in, I know, get-with-it-already. Unfortunately or fortunately, however you want look at it, we don't have a time limit in which to vacate our previous residence so we are moving at our leisure.
That's a good thing because last Thursday my sister Margie and I flew up to Seattle to see our extremely sick sister Fran. She's in the hospital with Lymphoma large cell B, she's in a pretty advanced stage and we weren't sure what we would be facing when we got there. Our primary goal was to be a support to her family, (husband and 3 grown children) to give them a little break and take our turns staying with her in the hospital. She didn't know we were there, but we did. She's responding well to treatment and of course we are praying and hopeful for a remission.
We got a chance to visit with Don our brother in law and our two nieces and nephew. That was so nice as it's been a while since we've seen them. We feel a little guilty that we had such a good time on our trip but Fran wouldn't want it any other way. I've been chastising myself for not visiting them more often.
Margie and I stayed at a nice little Inn, The Inn at Virginia Mason close to the hospital.
Come see what we ate.
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