A lot going on

It's been a busy couple of weeks. We still are moving some things in, I know, get-with-it-already. Unfortunately or fortunately, however you want look at it, we don't have a time limit in which to vacate our previous residence so we are moving at our leisure.
That's a good thing because last Thursday my sister Margie and I flew up to Seattle to see our extremely sick sister Fran. She's in the hospital with Lymphoma large cell B, she's in a pretty advanced stage and we weren't sure what we would be facing when we got there. Our primary goal was to be a support to her family, (husband and 3 grown children) to give them a little break and take our turns staying with her in the hospital. She didn't know we were there, but we did. She's responding well to treatment and of course we are praying and hopeful for a remission.
We got a chance to visit with Don our brother in law and our two nieces and nephew. That was so nice as it's been a while since we've seen them. We feel a little guilty that we had such a good time on our trip but Fran wouldn't want it any other way. I've been chastising myself for not visiting them more often.
Margie and I stayed at a nice little Inn, The Inn at Virginia Mason close to the hospital.


Come see what we ate.

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The Turtle isn't naked anymore

While we were out and about Saturday we went to The Turtle for a snack. It used to be called The Naked Turtle but it has since been changed to just, The Turtle.  It's a fun beach bar and right on the river with lots of boat activity. There was a big hubbub going on on the river when we arrived so we ran through the deep sand with sandles on, arrughhh in time to miss the landing of the Red Bull seaplane. I think the hubbub was more about the "Red Bull girls" (no photos included :) than the seaplane. It was pretty cool to see.

Red bull planed landed 

The day was perfect, not too hot, just beautiful. 

Wanna see some spring break cuties we saw hanging out on a boat.

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One of my must go to places in Lake Havasu

One of my favorite, among many, places to go when I'm in Lake Havasu is Barley Bros. The food has always been as good if not better than comparable places I've been to in San Diego. I think it's being out of town, a change of scenery, and being with those nearest and dearest to me that make some places special. 

BB appet's copy

Jeremy had a strawberry margarita, non-alcoholic of course and Jarod had a root beer float. We all shared the stuffed mushrooms.

More yummy stuff...

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Yes Virginia, buffaloes have wings

And mighty good ones at that.

On Saturday we were still in Lake Havasu visiting daughter and family. Early in the morning it was decided a trip to Bullhead City was in order. They have a Tarjay, Kohls, Ross, etc...Oh yea! and a Marshalls. Wait till you see what I got. Sorry, I digress, this post is supposed to be about the food.

We got some serious shopping done and had lunch at a restaurant called Buffalo Wild Wings. They had been there before and highly recommended it. Hey, wings and beer, count-me-in.


C'mon, let's go get a cold one.

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Mario's Restaurant. Lake Havasu City AZ

We are spending a chilly Christmas season in the AZ desert with daughter Erika, B.J. and the boys.
This means of course, lots of eating, playing games, shopping and more eating, playing games and shopping.

We arrived Wed afternoon after a leisurely drive up. We grazed along the way eating at some fast food "restaurants" to satisfy our junk food fix. That should do us for a while now. 

Our plans upon arrival was to have dinner that night at a new restaurant in town called Mario's Italian Restaurant.

Mario's menu copy

Nice lighting for dining, but not really great for photography.  But, what the heck, they are a restaurant not a camera shop.

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Salt and Pepper Calamari at Jasimne Bistro

Yesterday we had lunch at Jasmine Bistro in El Cajon. We had another delicious meal and great service.

I had such a hard time making a decision this time. I always have the Thai beef and this time I was determined to try something else. I tease Stan about always ordering Orange Chicken whenever we eat Asian, so I had to order something different or I'd get it right back.

I ordered the Salt and Pepper Calamari.

Jasmine Bistro a Fried calamari

I've had fried calamari before but not anything like this. WOW!!! It was sprinkled with chopped green onion and garlic. Both were fried crispy. 

Jasmine Bistro a fried calamaria 

It came with a sweet dipping sauce but I didn't use much of it. I didn't need anything else. 

Jasmine Bistro a fried calamari close 

I tried to get a picture of the tender pieces of calamari inside the delicate crunchy tempura batter. Oh how I love things that go crunch.                                                                                               

Dang was it good. The calamari was nice and tender, toothsome but not chewy.

Jasmine Bistro a orange chicken 

What can I say!!! Any guesses as to what Stan had?

There are a few more things I want to try from their menu so of course we'll be back.

Sammy's Woodfired Pizza

I'm sorry now it took me so long to finally go to a Sammy's Woodfired Pizza restaurant. I thought it was just another big box restaurant. We already go to a couple of them as it is and I didn't want to add another one to the list.

Stan, daughter Vicky and I went Sunday. We were sure to be there at opening because every time we've driven by there's been a line out the door.

Was I ever in for a pleasant surprise.


C'mon, let's eat.

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Banbu Sushi Revisited

Last month when I went to Banbu Sushi I was disappointed. A regular customer of Banbu Sushi didn't agree with my opinion and left his in the comments portion of that post.

Said customer and I were to meet there last Tuesday as a result of his generous offer of "for all the readers that need help ordering the right stuff i will be there this tuesday 6:30pm at the sushi bar in front of the head chef armand" I was there, he wasn't. He did make sure though that one of the owners knew I was coming and left me in the more than capable hands of Fadi.

Fadi took the time to sit down with me, answer my questions, and inform me about the fish they buy and have delivered 6 days a week. We discussed the tuna they use which is Blue Fin, and comes from either Spain or Hawaii. As of Tuesday he was paying around $25.00 a pound for it. During our conversation it became apparent to me that he is very passionate about the quality of his product and the satisfaction of his customers.

He asked me what sushi I've had and what I like. Being the admitted rank sushi amateur that I am that was a very short conversation. He took pity on me and offered to made the meal decisions. Left in his capable hands this is the memorable meal we had. I might add that Stan and Daughter Vicky were with me.

While Fadi and I were talking daughter Vicky ordered some California rolls. When I told her what we were going to have for dinner she could have kicked herself. Hey, they were delicious and even great for lunch the next day.

We were first served a cold sake.

BaSu sake 

I would have liked more of this but I was driving. Drat!!! It was much smoother than I imagined a sake to be. Maybe that's what makes it so dangerous.

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