One of the participants in one of the food newsgroups I frequent gifted me this great cookbook.
He was my Secret Santa in that group. At Christmas I was the recipient of some spice rubs, among other things. By the way Shawn, I carry the tote bag everyday.
I asked him if he'd care to share the recipes for the spice rubs he sent me and any others he wanted to share. This is what I got.
I am so into making spice blends and rubs that this cookbook is a special treat to me.
One more thing that makes this book special is that it is a previously loved book. All you need to do is look at it's side to see which pages it was opened to the most.
I'm not surprised to see the first page it automatically opens to is Wild Willy's Number One-derful Rub.
We'll do that one of these days. That's one of the rubs I got in my Christmas package.
The next page it automatically opens to is the one that has the recipe, Braggin'-Rights Brisket. Since I don't have a smoker maybe Shawn would give us a step by step with photos on this one. I'm not very subtle with hints am I ;-) Just whack ya over the head I do.
Next is Ain't Momma's Meat Loaf. Maybe if I make this one I'll finally make a decent meat loaf, I'd have to do it in the oven of course. Couldn't turn out any worse that what I'm doing now.
Oh dang this does it, I'm going to have to get a smoker now. Listen to this.
Better-Than-French-Onion Soup. The onions are smoked "until the skins are well browned and the onions feel soft, about 1 1/2 hours." Oh glory, then you make the soup with these. Does this sound fabulous or what.
Next pages that open up are the sauces like, Vaunted Vinegar Sauce, Golden Mustard BBQ Sauce, Old-Fashioned High-Cholesterol Great-Tasting Southern Sauce, dang, this one is true to it's name listen, it has bacon drippings_and_butter in it. Also some sauces that call for different "spirits" mmm my kind of sauce.
This isn't even mentioning the sides like San Antonio Cactus and Corn Salad, and the beans and greens.
I think I'll be cooking my way through this book this summer.
Thanks again Shawn for your generosity.