Thanks for one hell of a ride

Stanley E Simmons


Love of my life

My husband passed away on December 10, 2019

A lot has changed this past month. I've moved from San Diego CA to Lake Havasu City AZ so I can be closer to my daughter and adult grandsons.
I'm currently living with my daughter while I'm waiting for an apartment in a senior community to become available.

I've been doing some cooking and will post the recipes, I really want to get back on track soon. 


First Annual Memorial Day Chili Cookoff

It's a good thing my family is flexible, well, we are either extremely flexible or extremely bored and are game for anything at the last minute. We decided on Thursday to have a chili cookoff on Sunday. I love my family.

Since we all think our chili is the best, we decided that we are all first place winners and voted for the one that we thought was the second best chili. 
Here's the winning bowl of chili. 

You will want this recipe, trust me...

Continue reading "First Annual Memorial Day Chili Cookoff " »

Not Your Typical Sweet and Sour Sauce

Looking for something a little different and delicious to use on your pork or chicken?
well look no further, I found it for you. 


 I used it on last night's pork chops. 
Trust me, you'll lick the plate clean


 All you need is


Balsamic vinegar, honey, butter, and fresh rosemary



In a small saucepan, combine the vinegar and honey. 
Simmer to reduce the mixture.



 Add butter and rosemary, stir until butter is melted. 
There ya go, all done. 

I love this stuff
I don't see why this wouldn't be delicious on vegetable also.  


@@@@@ Now You're Cooking! Export Format

Maiale In Agrodolce (Sweet Sour Pork Chops)

BBQ, pork

4 10 oz bone-in pork chop; frenched
3 tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil
kosher salt
freshly ground black pepper; to taste
1/3 cup balsamic vinegar
2 tbsp. honey
4 tbsp. unsalted butter
1 sprig fresh rosemary, torn into 1-inch pieces

1. Put pork chops on a plate and drizzle with oil. Season the chops
generously with salt and pepper and let sit for 30 minutes. 2. Meanwhile,
build a medium-hot fire in a charcoal grill or heat a gas grill to
medium-high heat. Combine vinegar and honey in a 1-qt. saucepan and cook
over medium heat until reduced to ¼ cup. Add butter and rosemary, stir
until butter is melted, and set aside. 3. Put pork chops on grill and cook,
occasionally turning and basting with balsamic mixture, until browned and
just cooked through, 12-14 minutes. Transfer to a platter and let sit for 5
minutes before serving.

These grilled pork chops with a glaze of honey and balsamic vinegar are
typical of the sturdy, lusty food found in Roman neighborhood restaurants
and home kitchens alike. They pair well with stewed sweet peppers, roasted
potatoes, or sautéed greens.

The editors of Saveur Magazine; Oseland, James (2011-04-29). Saveur New
American Comfort Food (Kindle Locations 2579-2586). Chronicle Books. Kindle

Notes: Saveur Magazine

** Exported from Now You're Cooking! v5.91 **


And that's that

39 again

See, when you get older you say 39 again. In my younger years it was 29 again, but once you reach a certain age group it's just...not right. 

Since we have such a large family we celebrate all the birthdays for that month with one birthday party. Mine and and my nephew Steve's was last Sunday. 



And we each got our own birthday cake. 


Continue reading "39 again" »

Hectic, Scary, Frustrating, Tiring, Trying, few days

Friday Stan went in for an Angiogram and came out with an Angioplasty. 

During his annual physical, some routine tests showed Stan has some minor heart damage indicating he may have sometime in the past had a heart attack, and not even know it. He was faced with the decision to have an angiogram, to go in and see if there is any blockage and if so to what extent, or, not have the procedure at all. Well, waiting to see if you might or might not have another heart attack is not much of an option that we can see. 

Going in for the angiogram we knew there was the possibility that he might need a stent. As luck would have it he did have to have one, thank God just one. The blockage was minor and the procedure went smoothly. 

He was to come home yesterday, well; after waiting for a long eleven hours, sitting on a hard straight back chair, afraid to even go get a cup of coffee for fear I'd miss the Dr. (that didn't come until 7:00 P.M.)<wahh, wahhh poor me> I went home without him because his temperature was up and his blood pressure was down. 

The Dr.kept him overnight again and ordered more tests. So far the tests show no infection, so we are just waiting for the results of the chest X-Ray and a visit from the Dr., hopefully sometime before the sun comes back up. :-)

The face of a man that found out he gets to go home from the hospital today. 

Yes, that's as big as his smile gets, for him, that's a huge one. ;-) you should see mine. 

And that's that 

Jarod's Nine


He turned 9 last Friday. All he wanted for his birthday was a swim party 


 with some of his friends, 


and hopefully the rest of the money he needed to buy the PS3 he's been saving up for. 

I think his 9yr old wishes came true. 

He deserves it, he's a great kid.