Buttery was the first word that came to mind when I bit into this bread. It's a little dense which makes it perfect for sopping, so it probably wouldn't hurt if you made some soup or stew on the day you make this bread.

The dough uses both all-purpose flour and semolina flour and of course the standard yeast, salt, sugar, oil, and water.
The last few minutes of kneading I do on the counter, I just love playing with dough.

After the required resting and shaping, they are cooked in a heavy-bottomed skillet. Fortunately, I have a few cast-iron pans that are great for this.
Cooked over medium-high heat, I flipped the bread frequently to ensure thorough and even cooking.
Today I'm making this bread again, but this time I'm making smaller disks, I am going to divide the dough into 4 pieces, then after cooking and cooling they'll be individually wrapped and tucked into the freezer for easy peasy bread anytime.
Mkhamer-Skillet Bread
Makes 2 loaves
1 teaspoon dried active yeast 1¼ teaspoons caster sugar 100g plain flour, plus extra if needed 100g semolina flour, plus extra for dusting ½ teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon olive oil, plus extra for oiling 110–150ml warm water
In a small bowl, mix the dried yeast and ¼ teaspoon of the sugar with 1 tablespoon warm water using a fork. Leave the yeast to activate for about 5 minutes or until the mixture is foamy.
Mix the flours, remaining sugar and salt together in a large bowl. Pour in the olive oil, yeast mixture and 110ml warm water, then use your hands to mix the ingredients together to form a soft dough. The dough should feel slightly sticky. If your dough is too dry, gradually add a little extra warm water, a tablespoon at a time, until you obtain the right consistency. If it’s too sticky, add a bit more plain flour.
Lightly dust a work surface with semolina flour and knead the dough for about 10 minutes until smooth and elastic – to check that it has been kneaded enough, press it with your finger and it should bounce back. Divide the dough in half and shape each into a round loaf. Cover each loaf with clingfilm and leave to rest in a warm place for 15 minutes. Using your hands, flatten each loaf into a disc 7mm thick and dust both sides with semolina flour. Place the discs on a tray or work surface in a warm place, leaving at least 5cm between each loaf to allow enough room for rising. Cover the discs with clingfilm and leave to rise for about 1 hour until they double in size – they may need longer if they are left in a cold room. Lightly oil a frying pan, ideally heavy based, and preheat over a medium heat. Gently place a loaf in the pan and cook, turning several times, for about 6 minutes on each side until golden. Remove from the pan and place on a wire rack while you cook the other loaf in the same way. Leave the bread to cool for a few minutes before serving.
Benkabbou, Nargisse. Casablanca .
And that's that!