Can't Beet it Slaw
Tomato Beef Stir-Fry

Bacon Wrapped Pork medallions, grilled of course

There's no recipe to jump to or to print. This is an easy recipe-less meal. 


I'm sure that bacon-wrapped pork medallions have been around for quite a while but I've just recently noticed them in the grocery store. They are now one of my favorite things to grill. 


I give them a sprinkling of Adobo all-purpose seasoning and that's all. The seasoning is a blend of salt, granulated garlic, oregano, black pepper, and turmeric.  I use the seasoning on fish also, it's soooo good on fish. 


Yes, I know it's out of focus, I was losing daylight and didn't take the time to adjust my settings, which is easy peasy, but I'm lazy. 
I'm a convert to the school of frequent flipping when grilling meat. Ever since I've been ff-ing, my steaks have turned out perfect and so did this pork tenderloin.


OMGosh, just look how tender and juicy it is. Flip, flip, flip


Dinner is served in one of my eclectic place settings. Fruity placemat, which is actually a napkin, polka dot plate, plain white salad bowl, an autumn candle, wine served in a $1.00 wine glass from the thrift store. Oh yes, and one of my latest thrift store finds, a set of steak knives for $2.50, and those suckers are sharp.

I really hope you try this

And that's that!
