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February 2013
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April 2013

Oh Those Crazy College Kids

and I'm one of them. That's one reason I haven't posted in a while, I'm trying to develop and keep good study habits. 

I'm taking English Composition to hopefully improve my writing skills, and I'm also taking Introduction to Web Design and Development. I'm learning to speak HTML and CSS. Pretty soon I'll be able to make some cool changes to my blog. One of the classes is on campus at my local community college and the other is online. 

I've still been taking pictures as I'm cooking, but haven't had the time to filter through them and create a post, hopefully I'll have one up in a few days. Next week is spring break so I'll have a little more time to dink around. NO! I'm not going to go party my spring break away with the other "college kids." Been there, done that, bought the tee shirt, besides I still have to work so I'll be working instead. 

Today I have some raw cashews soaking so I can make some cashew cream later. I hear it can be whipped too, we'll see. I'll share my results with you. 

See you soon

And that's that