How fun is this! Use your favorite cornbread recipe, your favorite hot dogs and your favorite mini muffin pan.

Pretend you made these for the kids while you are enjoying them too.

After you mix up your cornbread batter, fill the muffin pan cups about 2/3rds full of the batter.
Cut your hot dogs into pieces. I stood a hot dog on end in an empty muffin cup, then scored it where it was even with the top of the cup, and used that as my guide for cutting up the rest of the hot dogs.
Place a piece of hot dog in the middle of the cornbread batter.
Place in a 425* oven for about 10 minutes. The timing of course depends on your oven.

Hot out of the oven.
Be sure and grease your muffin cups really good. On some you might have to run a knife around the edges to help release them easily.
And that's that